jeudi 4 juin 2015

PyTiVo Push fail, but tranfer from "MYMovies" worked?

Had an error today trying to use pyTiVo to push some video files to my tivo:

something like "bad cookie, authentication failed, try login again..."

tried google for a solution, found some threads with similar problems but no solution.

Then I remembered that if my computer is running I sometimes see a "My Movies" folder at the very bottom of the My Shows list after netflix, etc...

So I still had the pytivo command box open and running on my computer...

Went to one of our tivos and sure enough the My Movies folder was there in the list and it happens to be the same folder that I store the files in that pytivo "pushes" from. All of the video files that are in this folder on my computer were listed in this My Movies folder. (I must have set this up earlier?) (the name of the file in Windows 7 is not "My Movies")

So I went into the folder and selected the show I had tried to "push" to the tivo earlier when I got the pytivo error message. Tivo asked if I wanted to transfer this file, I said yes, and the transfer began. I selected a few other files and they went into the tivo "to do" list when the first transfer was complete.

So this was all good.

When I went back to my computer the pytivo command box was hard at work displaying the frame conversion progress of the transfer. This really was a surprise.

So can someone answer how this worked? Is the "MyMovies" folder that displays in My Shows list when my computer is on part of pytivo? How does the tivo "see" this folder (does pytivo have to be running to see this folder or just the computer).

Just curious. It seems my pytivo setup will no longer "push", but I am able to move files to my tivos via this "My Movies" folder which seemed even easier.

If this "My Movies" folder is always listed in the My Shows list when my computer (or when my computer AND pytivo command box are running???) is running it seems there is no reason to bother with pytivo?

FYI my computer and all things tivo are on the same home network, everthing is cat5, no wireless...

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