mardi 21 juillet 2015

Moca issues in Phoenix

I was researching issues that I'm having with my Tivo's, Moca and my new Cox hookups. I'm new to Phoenix and I've used the Tivo + Moca setup for years without problems in the Comcast market (Albuquerque), but since I've moved to PHX, it's been nothing but problems.

My current setup: Cable is good as they just re-ran a brand new line to my house and have verified that all of the lines in my house have a strong signal. I have a amplifier on my system (at the drop on the side of the house) with 3 lines going to my 4 different rooms with a cable drop (one of the 3 splits and they put another coax outlet on the other side of the wall). I understand that the amplifier won't affect the moca signal as it is amplified at the drop and before the splitter. My current setup is:

:drop with 3 way splitter:
1 - office
2 - game room
3 - splitter
3a - Master BR
3b - living room

Office has a brand new motorola surboard modem and a brand new Apple Airport Extreme with moca adapter (both work fine without moca). Cable goes directly into Moca, no tv access in this room.

2 and 3b have a tivo (both with cox tuning adapters). At both of these sites, the coax comes out of the wall-> moca adapter -> 2 way splitter: one to tivo, one to tuning adapter.

When i power up the moca adapter to 2 or 3b, my internet stutters to a stop. I think from reading the posts on this that I should add some POE filters at certain points in my setup. Should they be placed right before the tuning adapters? Should I have one at my modem?

thanks for any help!

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