mercredi 18 mai 2016

Rewatching Breaking Bad

So I started watching Breaking Bad again with my college-age daughter, who is watching for the first time. At first I was just going to watch a couple of episodes but I have found myself getting sucked into it almost as much as I did the first time around.

What is interesting to me is how much you forget- we will be starting an episode and more times than not I can’t remember exactly what happens or how the current plot resolves itself. I remember the big events, but there is so much that you forget that sometimes it almost feels like you are watching for the first time.

It also is very cool to re-live the first appearances by now iconic characters (Saul, Mike, Tuco, Cousins, Gus, etc, etc). It is so hard to watch with someone who has never seen it before and not blurt out spoilers about the characters. It is also fascinating to go back and read some of the episode threads on here and read the comments, especially early in the series- (people commenting on how great the show is and how it is a shame that it doesn’t get more attention or have more viewers!!). Which is funny to read now that we know it goes on to be an all-time classic series.

Like I said, was just going to watch a few episodes, but now I am going to go ahead and finish the whole thing. We are currently up to Season 3 Episode 5- we are almost to the “One Minute” episode- one of my favorites.

So if you have ever thought about doing it, I highly recommend watching the whole thing again.

For those who have rewatched it, how was it for you????

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