samedi 28 mars 2015

Apparent Problem with OnePass and Recording Sports

Hi Everyone,

With the baseball season coming up, and with "OnePass" being new since the last season ended, I am trying to set up a OnePass for some MLB games. Here's what I would really welcome some help with.

My team broadcasts its games on two different channels. And I would like games that my team plays in to occupy the #1 slot on my list of OnePass priorities.

Unlike Season Pass, OnePass seems to offer me two choices, neither of which really fits.

Choice One is to record ALL MLB games on every channel. I don't want to do that because I'm not interested in games where my team isn't playing, and (since I am prioritizing the recording) I don't want games played by other teams "bumping" other programming I would like to record.

Choice Two is to select a OnePass for only one channel. But of course the problem there is that the team plays on two different channels.

With the old Season Pass I created two parallel season passes, one for each channel my team can be seen on, and the problem was solved.

OnePass doesn't appear to offer me any in-between option. I either record ALL channels or one of them.

Is there something I'm not aware of, something I'm not doing, a "workaround" on this?

This "either one or all" issue would appear to be a potential problem with recording other live sports as well.


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