jeudi 26 mars 2015

Some of Us Do Not Have HD

When I explore a movie that I want to watch and the Menu reads "Watch" VOD and I click it, well it takes me to VOD HD version of the movie while there is a SD version of the movie. Plus I would like to choose whether I want to watch a program is HD, not "if Possible" and I can not figure how to turn off the "If Possible" switch. The reason, TiVo does not show many HD programs and movies in widescreen version. I guess I am spoiled that my Comcast Motorola DVR does but doesn't have as many great features as TiVo. Anyway, I digress, I just wish I can access both SD and HD version from the programs/movies from the menu instead of have to go to Video Provider and search for the network to see if it is available. Some features should have been left alone. :mad:

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