vendredi 27 mars 2015

Video quality degradation: cable or TiVo?

Sorry if this is a dopey question but my knowledge of video processing and decoding is virtually non-existent. So:

I am a Cablevision (Optimum) customer in the NY area. I currently have a TiVo Premier, with which I have had no problems (except for the occasional v52 error but that's another thread) and a 2013 Panasonic plasma TV. When watching both live and recorded shows, I occasionally notice some flaws in the picture: blocks of blurred pixels, color banding (not sure how else to describe it: for example, the sun is on the screen and instead of a smooth transition of colors moving outward there are distinct bands of color).

I am considering moving from CV to FIOS because I keep hearing about the vastly superior picture quality, which would (I hope) eliminate or reduce the picture flaws. My question, though is: are these flaws likely being introduced by the TiVo or is it more likely that the TV picture is coming in with the flaws already there? Is the TiVo doing some kind of compression and decompression that is degrading the picture? It's my understanding that even when watching live TV the TiVo is writing to disk and then reading from the disk to pass it along to the TV so I'm not surprised that I see the flaws in both live and recorded video.

I recognize that I am probably using bad terminology here and that it is impossible to diagnose picture issues based on my description. But I'm hoping that someone here has seen the same behavior or understands enough about how TiVo processes the video signals to tell me if it is even possible that the TiVo is the sources of the degradation.

Thanks, in advance!

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