mercredi 25 mars 2015

The loss of video webcast functionality is now complete

Well I knew this day was coming, that my auto downloads through download manager would stop working. But I was told by technical support that my podcasts would be added to the HOTLIST. However, it now seems that Tivo has removed the functionality for webcast auto-downloads, including the webcasts in the search engine, and no way of easily adding the shows I watch to my Tivo. I don't understand why Tivo did this...I pay the same amount of money as everyone else. Tivo brags about their great search engine that finds Netflix, Amazon, OTA tv, etc., but no Web television.

Perhaps the audience is so small that this functionality does not matter to Tivo. Or perhaps I'm not familiar enough with the functionality of my Tivo and I can easily record my web shows from the Twit network. But if I'm right, for me it's a sad day. I suppose starting a thread for all people that DO CARE about this functionality is a waste of time? How many people would sign it? I just can't remember Tivo actually taking away functionality like this from their product.

Even if the shows do make it over to the HOTLIST, we will then start getting double commercials, one set from the web channel, and one from Tivo.

Finally, what are the best choices out there to replace this lost functionality? Right now I just auto-download to my tablet and cast my shows to my tv. If that is now the best we can hope for it is a sad day.:mad:

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