vendredi 27 mars 2015

iZombie - "Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?" - 3/24/2015

I am really enjoying this show! :up:

Admittedly, this type of show is right up my alley. I love all things zombie, and don't hate a little bit of the teenybopper storylines - although it is an awful lot like Buffy. I could go for more differentiation between this and Buffy. I've already watched that show. Know what I mean? And, I kind of hate the intro - reminds of that horrible Scorpion one where they have to explain everything...

They're doing a great job of encompassing the little nuances from the original brain owner and it was fun to meet another zombie, who might not be as good of a person as he is trying to portray himself. That should bring a lot more interesting tie-ins as some of his victims are surely going to turn up in the morgue.

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