vendredi 27 mars 2015

Roamio Compatible 6TB WD Drives

I've been reading a lot of posts in the forum and I see a lot of conflicting information about using 6TB drives with Roamio that looks like it might be outdated. Can I get a recent update on which of the following three drives are confirm to work (or not work) with a TiVo Roamio without any special formatting/set up:

  • WD Red 6TB (Model WD60EFRX)

  • WD Purple 6TB (Model WD60PURX)

  • WD Green 6TB (Model WD60EZRX)

By confirmed working without any special set up, I mean you stick the drive directly into the TiVo Roamio without needing any formatting on a computer. Any one use any of these and it work without issue? Also, not really looking for a comparison of which one is best (since that is highly subjective), just want to know which ones, if any, that I stick into a Roamio will not work (or stop functioning within a short time) and which ones will be fine.

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