mardi 31 mars 2015

Justified "Fugitive Number One" S06E11 03/31/2015

Crazy how this episode still feels like a setting up episode, even though it was a relative bloodbath: we lost three main characters in one episode. Usually this kind of attrition seems saved for the season finale!

I knew Mikey (er, Michael) wouldn't let Wynn just get shot like that. Still a gruesome scene. I don't know why Katherine didn't go for a head shot: clearly the body shots were not getting the job done. That was a lot of damage Mikey took before going down.

Loved the face-off that wasn't... yet... between Raylan and the kid. That was harsh of Raylan to drop Katherine's death, and use it as nothing more than a warning. He didn't even say "sorry for your loss!" His mama would be ashamed.

I'm not sure I like Raylan dropping badge and heading out off the books. I did love Art's last comments to Raylan though. What the heck, I love just about everything Art says.

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