lundi 30 mars 2015

HBO's Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison Of Belief

Parts of this expose of Scientology's practices and abuses are mind boggling. High executives were exiled to "The Hole", basically a prison for months and years. Mothers were separated from the babies because the babies were annoyances. Physical abuse. Mental abuse. Dirty tricks on people who tried to raise the alarm about the inner goings on of Scientology.

There was one scene that described a literal game of musical chairs. Exiled members in The Hole were forced to play musical chairs where the person who "lost" would be kicked out of Scientology and everybody beat the crap out of each other so he or she wouldn't lose.

I can understand people using various methods of self help to improve themselves and to remain on the straight and narrow but at some point you have to realize your belief system is wrong and damaging. It's strange to me that whole families of parents, children and grand parents turn their backs on members who simply question Scientology. Every religion should have a come when you want and leave when you want with no repercussions philosophy.

Scientology seems to be a California thing. I don't know if it has any presence around here. Certainly not a big presence. I first started hearing about it about 20 years ago because one of my favorite jazz pianists, Chick Corea was a proponent of Scientology and there were occasional dust ups because of its cult-like status when he'd perform over seas.

One thing that may just be a coincidence but then again... The Church Of Scientology was virulently against this documentary and the day after it was broadcast on HBO, isn't available. The website is up but it just resolves to a black page.

Here's Scientology's rebuttal to the HBO documentary: As described in the documentary, these guys don't mess around, they attack.

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