mardi 31 mars 2015

Minis have not worked since the OnePass update

I'm trying to find out if anyone else is having problems with their Mini's after the OnePass upgrade. 1st, the Roamio has worked fine with no problems, but the Mini's stopped being able to play any show with more than 1 episode. It could play live TV and shows with only 1 episode, but not 2+. Very strange! I was then told that it was a known software problem and it would take some time to fix. I kept calling about every 3 days for about 2 weeks and then was told there was no software problem. After spending 2 hours with a tech, they finally decided that something must be wrong with the Roamio so they sent me a new one (after wanting to charge me which was nuts). So I have not installed the new Roamio and the Mini's now can't connect properly with the new unit. They can see the new unit, they just can't connect. After spending another 2 hours with Mark tonight, I finally asked that 2 Mini's be sent to me since the problem is still not solved. He said he could not authorize sending them and his manager had already gone home. What descent manager leaves their people on the phone after hours when the customer's problem is still not resolved? Anyway, now I get to call someone tomorrow and deal with getting 2 Mini's sent to me. Bottom line, I wish I could throw these things in the trash, but of course I have too much money invested at this point.

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