mercredi 18 mars 2015

Marvel's Agents of Shield "One Of Us" 3/17/2015

Interesting episode - I think the Inhumans reveal is taking too long, along with showing Skye's father actually doing his thing, rather than hinting at it and only showing the aftermath.

I have a feeling that, and this is pure speculation but I will tag it anyway:


Skye's mother is, if fact, not dead.

I don't understand why coma-voice-man had to have his mouth open up that much, other than the cool effect.

I also don't understand why a woman with razor blades grafted onto her fingernails constitutes a SHIELD level threat. Regardless, why did they put those things on her hands, when they could have just removed the blades?

Since they are such low level characters, I doubt we'll get much explanation.

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