jeudi 19 mars 2015

Roamio Pro very slow at times

Over the past month my Roamio Pro has become very slow. This happens primarily when going into a folder to view the list of episodes. In the past this loaded in about 2 or 3 seconds. Now you have to wait about 10 to 20 seconds at times to see the listed of recorded shows in a folder.

I've also had several issues where i would play back a show and just get a black screen. I would have to go back into the Tivo list and start the show again.

The last issue is most of the time I have to setup a One Pass from the Tivo website. It seems 75% of the time I get a spinning circle if I try to setup one from the Tivo itself. This has been happening for a few months.

I don't always have these issues, it's hit or miss. Once I start watching a program video and audio quality are perfect so I was hoping to rule out any issues with the hard drive.

Here are things I have looked at. In the now playing list hard drive is about 14% full. I do have Tivo Suggestions turned on and wondered if perhaps that is really filling up my drive and causing these sluggish moments?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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