lundi 23 mars 2015

You know what. The Tivo remote just isn't well designed.

I know, a pretty provocative statement. But it's pretty simple. After 4 months of having ditched all of my FIOS gear for Tivo I still can't easily navigate the remote with 1 hand in the dark.

The only buttons I really use are:

Power, OK, this one I've got

Live TV, this one too.

Guide - Not easy to get in the dark, and you gave us 2 locations, one for Roamio, one for Mini. FAIL. Are you kidding me, 2 products designed to be used together and you located the buttons in different locations on both. Who let that one slip through.

Info Hit other buttons often trying to hit info

Numbers As hard as I might, typing in 618 results in success about 30% of the time. The FIOS remote never presented this problem. The layout just isn't good.

Oh, Peanut shaped remote? Same on both ends unless you feel around for what button is where so we end up swapping ends over and over until we get it right. Nope, sorry FAIL.

I know I'm being really picky here, but these are the industrial design elements that truly make a product "perfect". These are real issues, ones that prevent the product from being really really great. Time to step up. Just about everything has been invented at this point so perfecting the usability of the product is about all you have left. Well, that an the features I asked for in the suggestions forum.

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