vendredi 26 août 2016

No Freaking Guide Data After Update That Was Not An Update

Just had to make a new thread for this...sorry.

Some people may not be smart enough to figure this out WHEN THEY WAKE UP TO NO GUIDE AND NO TO DO LIST. If you do not want to read below, just know that it seems you need to restart the box again and do another connection or maybe when it comes up from the update, just restart again and force a connection.

I woke up around 3ish AM today and was doing some work on the PC. Music went out all of a sudden. I looked at the TV and "another useless update" I said to myself.

When my Roamio Pro came back up there was a STUPID message saying a network connection must be forced. WHAT, THE IDIOT PROGRAMMERS COULD NOT HAVE PROGRAMMED THAT? New guide data was loading. Took a long time AND THEN NOTHING. Nothing in guide, NOTHING IN TO DO LIST except my few manual recordings.

CAN THESE PEOPLE DO ANYTHING RIGHT??? :eek:. I unplugged and restarted and forced ANOTHER network connection and THEN IT LOADED THE GUIDE AGAIN. Thankfully it actually did load the second time.

I always said the "testers" were deaf, dumb and blind. Now ADD STUPID (ALWAYS WERE).

After all that, it is still the same 20.6.1a RC10 with NOTHING new (as the first RC10 was). This "UPDATE" must have been just to clear the guide data. Now it shows a DAILY show for this morning as NEW, but it is NOT. Several shows are repeating themselves in the To Do List due to NOT having the right designations (new, etc). Guess we have to check the To Do List like we USED to do way back when.

Most other things look OK, thankfully.



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