samedi 25 avril 2015

Orphan Black 4/25/15 "Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis"

I guess boy clones are into threesomes...

The boy clone actor has maybe even more of a challenge than Tatiana, since the boy clones seem to be more similar, so he can’t distinguish them with wildly different personalities. On the other hand, he doesn’t have to find several different ways to make them likable.

“Fist me.” “FIST you?!?”

If there’s one thing scarier than the thought of Alison as a politician, it’s Alison as a drug dealer. What a shock that she’s about three steps ahead of Donnie!

I wonder who thought waterboarding Helena was ever going to end well for the torturers? Or maybe she’ll just let it slide. Forgive and forget.

Seth is crazy. Seth is a boy clone. All boy clones are crazy. True or false?

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