mercredi 29 avril 2015

Tivo Roamio ?'s & issues....

I’m a new tivo convert and so far very happy. I took back all the Comcast crap hardware on Monday, got a new deal with them and no longer have a hardware charge on my bill (Cable card is free). I’m hoping I can explain what I’m trying to do (#1 & #4) as well as some comments/issues with tivo I see (#2 and #3).

1) When I’m watching a DVR’d show, and I hit the “My Tivo” button (either accidentally or on purpose) the DVR’d show is in a window in the upper right, how do I got back to the DVR’d show recording to full screen? I’ve tried all sorts of buttons. Live tv button goes to Live TV and not back. All other buttons do nothing. Only way to go back to the DVR’d show is to go into my shows and say resume which I think is dumb. No “go back, last, previous” button if you will. Maybe it’s just me.

2) Netflix is broken on my roamio and Minis now. Worked when I first set it up but it will connect on the roamio but will NOT display any album art and its slow to navigate. I’ve rebooted everything and that didn’t’ do anything. (I’m Ethernet with Moca on for 1 Mini out of my 3 minis I have)

3) Video on Demand (Comcast) is hit or miss if it works. Sometimes its great, sometimes is says it can’t connect to service. For me, not an issue but for the rest of the family, this isn’t making my case for Tivo (Even though I’m saving $40+ a month in hardware cost).

4) Am I suppose to be able to stream shows from my Roamio? I was under the impression yes, but looks like it only works when you are on your own Wifi? I have the app but it gives me the wifi message. I'd love to use my unlimited LTE. :)

That’s all for now. #1 is driving me bonkers! I'm sure i'll have something else to ask but all for now

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