dimanche 26 avril 2015

pyTiVo - Automation?

I'm sure others have been down this path; I'm just not sure where to begin my search.

Here's my situation:

1. I acquire video content from a number of sources using manual and automated means
2. This content is stored under a common parent folder (ex: \Media\)
3. I currently use pyTiVo to manually push selected content to my TiVo
4. I then manually perform the necessary housekeeping to remove old content from \Media folders

So, here is my automation question - Is this something like this possible?:

1. Periodically scan the \Media folder structure for newly arrived programs
2. When found, Automatically push to TiVo using pyTiVo
3. Kill the programs from \Media folder upon transfer
4. Rinse-Repeat on a schedule

Any suggestions or pointers are welcome.


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