jeudi 30 avril 2015

Person of Interest - S4E21 - “Asylum” - 04/28/2015

And we’re back with a big bang, with a head first jump into the “Machine Wars” arc concurrent with “The Brotherhood” arc.

We know things are bad when the Machine spits out the numbers of both Elias and Dominic.
While Reese and Fusco go see Elias, Root gets a call from Shaw, asking for help.
All while Control has abducted a teacher in one of Samaritan’s blind spots.

Even though it’s most certainly a trap, our Miss Groves is bound and determined to go find Shaw, even going to the point of forcing the Machine to help her. Finch reluctantly decided to go along.

Meanwhile, Reese and Fusco realize that Elias is using the old pneumatic tube system under the city to communicate with his crew and go to the source, Elias’ HQ.

Unfortunately, Dominic and his crew have also figured out where Elias is holed up and manage to capture our guys with Elias.

But Dominic doesn’t want to kill them right away, he wants their information.
Not just Elias’ but Team Machine’s as well. Dominic already knows too much because as we find out when she walks in, “Harper” happily sold out the team to Dominic.
(And when she walked in, my head —-> wall.)

This just illustrates why we don’t like “Harper”. It’s all about her, nothing for no one else.
Sure, she says to Fusco that she’ll help them but only because someone (no doubt the Machine) paid her a lot of money to.

Elias is interesting not only because he’s a planner, he has respect for Team Machine and genuinely likes some of them. “Harper” has none of this.

Elias, ever the crafty devil, manages to trick Dominic to kill Link, his right hand man by making Dominic think Link sold him out.
But they are still in Dominic’s custody.

Meanwhile Control is busy interrogating Shelly the school teacher that she kidnapped in the beginning of the episode.
It turns out that Shelly was the handler for the mole on Control’s team and has been visiting the White House to boot for Samaritan.

Control does get information from her, mostly it’s mostly in the form of threats about Samaritan’s “correction”.
(Hmmm, is that anything like The Purge?)

The meatiest story though belonged to Root and Finch tracking Shaw.
The trail leads to a psychiatric hospital (the titular Asylum) where they hope to find Shaw but instead find Samaritan’s control room, complete with Greer and Martine!

Unfortunately, Harold and Root are too late as we see what appears to be Shaw being taken away from the facility and the duo get captured while Martine taunts Root about how she broke Shaw into making the phone call and telling them about Root’s implant.
(Root fires back by snapping Martine’s neck.)

Greer wants the implant to trace it back to the Machine but the procedure to remove would make Root a vegetable. And likely, Harold would be killed.

This is when we see one of the more surprising acts of self sacrifice when the Machine offers to give Samaritan it’s location if Root and Harold are freed.
(Great scene with the two AIs “talking” on the monitors.)

So the episode ends with Reese and Fusco captured. Root and Finch trying to beat Decima to the Machine, and Control trying to find out more about “the correction”.

It’s a strong episode leading into the Season Finale.

One thing to note was that this episode answered a question I’ve had for about a year in what happens if Samaritan decided that Greer is “deviant”.
It turns out that Greer doesn’t care!
That’s how devoted to this ideal he is.

The other thing was how Reese was nicer to Fusco and Fusco was asking him if he was sick.

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