mardi 28 avril 2015

TiVo Credit Card Idiocy on Lifetime Transfer

I sold a Roamio base model, with lifetime on eBay. I provided TiVo with the buyer's name. He called and thought he completed the transfer.

It still shows on my account, and in my IOS app. I called yesterday, and in 20 minutes was bounced between billing and tech support, before I was cut off.

Today I called again. The CSR said I had to call the buyer, because it was still on my credit card. He couldn't explain why they needed a credit card on a unit with lifetime. I refused and asked for a supervisor. Mike, employee number 36460, came on and said he would call the buyer, making it sound like it was a favor. I told him if I got the call, I wouldn't provide it since there's nothing to charge. I've wasted an hour on this.

So be aware that TiVo keeps your credit card info on file for lifetime boxes, and if you have sold a unit, check your account to assure that it has been taken off.

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