mercredi 1 avril 2015

HD unit in green screen of death loop...

So, one of my venerable TivoHD units is looping through the "Powering Up...Almost There...GSOD" sequence this morning. :( I have little hope of it self-repairing.

This unit had the original drive. My other unit, also a 652, I replaced the drive almost immediately, and I still have the original, untouched since it was removed - egads - 7-8 years ago...

Should I just take the other unit's original drive and drop it in? I'm guessing it will take a while to do all the updates...or would I be better off grabbing a more recent 652 image (I see in another thread where I can grab it)?

It's been quite a while since I've done drive upgrades...will WinMFS deal with a USB-attached drive so I don't have to go and pull a system apart?

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