mercredi 1 avril 2015

Roamio Basic 3TB upgrade only has 2TB usable

I have a new Roamio Basic. I initialized it with no problem with the original drive. I them removed the original drive and replaced it with a WD AV-GP 3TB drive. Again it initialized fine and showed 477 usable HD hours. Everything seemed fine.

I started loading it with saved videos from another TiVo via pyTivo.

Everything looked fine until I noticed that after a while, no matter how many videos I transferred, I could never store more more than about 59% of the drive (which I presume is 2TB)

The oldest video is deleted without warning. (None of the videos are eligible for deletion. All "blue dot") It appears that some of the software thinks its a 3TB disk and some a 2TB disk.

I've rebooted, tried kick starting 57, 58, 67 and 54, tried transferring files from another TiVo Roamio instead of pyTivo. Nothing seems to get me past the 2TB mark.

System Information currently shows:

Software Version: 20.4.6a.RC1-USA-6-846-INIT

Recording Capacity up to 477 HD Hours

Free Disk space: up to 192 HD Hours

Possibly, but unlikely relevant: I have not yet installed the cable cards.

I've upgraded 2 Series 3 and 2 HD to larger drives the "hard way". I was looking forward to this new and improved "just drop in a new drive" upgrade.

I also have an unmodified Roamio Pro and Premier XL4 and a couple of minis.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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