jeudi 2 avril 2015

Roamio standard (temporary) loss of WiFi connection--a not important happenstance?

Last evening, after watching a TiVo-recorded show on my 2-1/2-month-old TiVo Roamio standard, I went to delete the show and was surprised to see the message on the menu: WiFi connectivity has been lost--some TiVo features may not be available until WiFi connectivity is established again. Then, when I tried to delete the show, it wouldn't delete.

I checked my home network and Internet connection and it all was fine and running. Not knowing what else to do, I shut down/restarted the Roamio under the set's Help menu option. A few minutes later, I was up and running again, no issue, WiFi connection re-established, and delete capability restored.

A couple of questions.

1. As I said, a new TiVo Roamio (with a 90-day parts/labor warranty ending this month)--anything to be concerned about? Or is a connection loss and restart for something like this just a routine thing? I don't think that I've ever seen a WiFi connection loss with my many-years-old S2 TiVo set with wireless connection (or, it was so long ago that I don't remember it).

2. Isn't it odd that the Roamio wouldn't delete a show (recorded from OTA--a regular half-hour recording from network television) because of the absence of a WiFi connection? I also had tried to delete another show at the time (also a TiVo-recorded, OTA, network television show) with the same non-result.


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