vendredi 3 avril 2015

Advice needed for Multi-Room / Multi-Tivo Setup.

Hey Guys..

I need some advice on how to proceed with upgrading my setup.

Currently We have 2 Tivo's in service. A Series 3HD, and a Premier, Oh and a Steam too. Up till this point we used Knology (Know called WoW) Which used mostly analog signals and couldn't upgrade to a Tivo with more that 2 stream capability. Recently WoW decided to drop a few of my favorite channels including BBC America, which means no Doctor Who, and they've continued to increase their pricing.. so.. they loose a customer.. I'm NO fan of Comcast, but, have no other choice, so, I'm switching.

Tivo has decided to remove additional features from the Series 3HD, So, they're basically forcing us to upgrade the hardware.

So, Here is my question. I want to upgrade to a Roamio or Roamio Plus. The current Tivo's are located in our living room, and Are Called Living Room 1 and Living Room 2, but, the truth of the Mater is, one Tivo records the wife's shows (and some times mine when I have conflicts on my Tivo), the other records mine. I have it setup so that Both Tivo's Composite Out and Stereo outputs are in fed into a 4x1 switch, which feeds a wireless transmitter to send the signal to our bedroom. I then have the HDMI outputs from each Tivo Fed into our TV in the living Room. We can watch either Tivo from either Tivo by simply switching inputs on the Living Room TV, or by hitting the Guide button on the remotes in the bedroom which signals the 4x1 switch to switch inputs. I want to retain the ability to watch either Tivo in either room, and would like to use HD or Component Video for the Bedroom TV.

I could simply upgrade to the Roamio Plus, and use a Mini in the bedroom... but... the Wife wants to keep the recordings separate so she doesn't have to wade through mine and vs versa. also, We both keep both Tivo's filled up (we even have 500MB external storage).

So, I'm looking for suggestions.

My Thoughts are

Option 1, 2 Roamio's (or Roamio Plus's) in the Living Room and a Mini in the bedroom.. But, how does the storage compare to that of the Series 3 and Premier with 500mb external storage?

Option 2, Relocate one of the Tivo's to the bedroom and if we want to watch shows from the other Tivo, stream.. Only issues I see with this is Not being able to set up shows and passes from the remote room..

Option 3, 2 Roamio's (or Roamio Plus's) in the Living Room, use some sort of 2x2 splitter, or maybe 2 1x2 splitters and run HDMI cables from living room into bedroom. Using 2 1x2 splitters, we can use the existing TV's Inputs, a 2x2 splitter might cause issues if it's not a learning remote style.. I don't want any more remotes if I can help it. If I used the Plus's, I could use the Component outputs into the existing switch box I have and run component cables to the Bedroom. Wouldn't have to worry about any funky issues with resolution not matching up on hdmi like I've read about with the switches. (example, TV in bedroom couldn't support same resolution as one in the living room, could cause issues... so I've read).

and of course, If I go with the Roamio Plus's I would sell the Stream as it wouldn't be needed.. and I can upgrade in stages.. No need to do away with the Premier HD just yet.. would give me ability to spread out the costs of doing this over a month or two..

Any other ideas of suggestions? Thoughts.. Sorry this is such a long post.

Thanks, Connor

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