mercredi 1 avril 2015

TiVo can't activate my Roamio Pro.

So after getting a an email from Amazon telling me I wouldn't be able to download to my old HD20 anymore and them giving me the $100.00 off a new Roamio incentive. I bit the bullet and purchased a new Roamio Pro. Now even though I'm a video engineer for a living I know changing out one TiVo for another in theory should be relatively simple even with the cable card fiasco I was sure would ensue. Well never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that 2 days after me installing it that TiVo still can't activate it.

Several phone calls(4-6), 4 technicians etc.... and the story I'm getting is "since your TiVo "updated" it's software on install our computer software back here at the back office can't activate it. The last guy told me today it might be 3-5 days!! They all said I wasn't the only one and they're working on it etc..... So here I am on the second night with a TiVo that will only record when I press the record button on what I'm watching. Of course I have no HBO because the M Card isn't paired either! Is anyone else going through or been through something similar? I've been with Tivo over 15 yrs but this is ridiculous!

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