dimanche 30 août 2015

Fast blue/green internal LED flashing on powerup

I think I may already know the answer to this (possible motherboard issue) but since no one thread seems to reference this specifically, here it goes.

I went to re-arrange some stuff in my AV center and accidentally unplugged my Tivo Roamio. Not a big fan of the DC power adapter connector on the back of these things for just this reason. I thought no biggie, I'll just plug it back in - except now, when looking through the top (it's the smaller Roamio that is made of translucent plastic) all I see are the internal blue LED (in the middle) and the internal green LED (towards the right when looking from the front of the Tivo) that are on the motherboard flashing. I guess the green circle on the front (all the way to the left when looking at the Tivo head on) also flashes in sync with the internal green LED now that I think about it.

Would suck if it's a motherboard issue, especially from their crappy/cheap DC power connectors on this generation Tivo :mad:

Some people have indicated they had success replacing memory chips - I suspect if anything it's probably just a cold solder joint since most soldering these days isn't very durable due to the new good-for-the-environment lead-free solder. Ugh. If no one has any other ideas then I will probably try the reflow the solder in the oven trick that the Xbox guys have perfected. Rescued a flaky MacBook Pro so who knows. Can't hurt at this point I suppose.

I wish that rackmount Tivo they teased last year as coming this year would hurry up and ship. I'm tired of this cheap hardware with hard drives near my TV's - would gladly pick up another couple of Mini's if I could have a real Tivo in my basement. After 15 years with various Tivo's, and hard drives and Tivo's themselves flaking out I would love something more reliable.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I also tried other power supplies. I have a few other 2A 12V DC power bricks and they all do the same thing. Put a 1.5A brick on and the Tivo starts, then the lights cut out briefly - probably when the HD goes to spin up and can't draw enough power.

Also was going to mention that I am going to fish out the original HD and swap that in - if it is the hard drive that would be the easiest thing to fix. Just never heard of the blinking lights with a dead hard drive before.

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