mercredi 26 août 2015

Lifetime Pricing Thoughts?

When I bought two premieres back in 2012, I paid $399 on the plsr code even though I was a new customer. Tivo customers who buy lifetime service are fiscally savvy to recognize the benefits, while most likely don't recognize the benefit over time or cannot afford the lump some, opting for a monthly fee.

When the OTA came out, Tivo was overly optimistic wanting $15 dollars a month with no lifetime option. Maybe they felt that cord cutters had extra cable cash to afford the fee.

We have seen Tivo drop the lifetime fees from the mini. They did the special promotions with discounted lifetime and monthly service fees that produced eBay buying services.

Now they are charging $249 for lifetime on the OTA/Refurb Roamio.

Does Tivo really think the Bolt has a chance (outside the Tivo loyals who can amortize) if they start cranking their lifetime/monthly service back up into stratosphere. Seems like the $249 lifetime price point is one that could help their new line of product, especially any OTA models. They need a strong affordable OTA option going forward!

Thoughts? I for one hope Tivo can become a popular brand again and survive the cord cutting revolution while continuing to support those with cable.

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