jeudi 27 août 2015

OTA channel lineup issue rant

Why does it take Tivo so long to fix an OTA channel lineup issue but only a week or less to fix a cable lineup issue? I'd have thought that not having to deal with the cable company would speed things up - not slow them down.

I have a broadcaster in the area who changed their broadcast frequency from UHF 51 to UHF 21. They ran their notices across the bottom of the screen notifying everybody of this and started simulcasting on 7/7/15. I submitted a ticket on 7/28 (maybe earlier) on this since I was seeing no new channel in the guide for it. On or around 8/12, the broadcaster stopped the UHF 51 broadcast but Tivo still hadn't fixed the guide issue. They had the old channel names and the wrong frequency so recordings stopped.

It's now a month since my ticket was created and I'd assume that Tivo probably got some type of notice from the broadcaster on 7/7 and things still aren't fixed. They got as far as renaming the channels to 21.x for most of the subs but still haven't changed the frequency to match.

I find it amazing that something so simple can take so long to fix. They should really allow the use the ability to assign a channel frequency to their guide sources. I had a very similar issue before this. Tivo had guide data for 33.x but had a frequency of UHF 25 for it. The correct frequency for my area was UHF 39. It took multiple weeks to get this fixed. I should have just been able to manually override the existing UHF channel. This would have eliminated a lot of frustration on my part.

And can't they fix their ticketing system to actually be useful from a user perspective? If I submit a ticket, I can see that a ticket was submitted in "My Support" but it won't show what I submitted or show any status but "open", "closed", or my favorite "resolution sent". This is just great when you submit tickets for multiple issues. It allows me to add update notes that I can see and that apparently the customer service people can see but not the original ticket. There's a box where you can request a response but there never is one. Maybe it works great internally for them but I've never seen a worse system from a customer perspective.

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