jeudi 27 août 2015

Reversing point of entry filter?

So I read this old thread:

Seems the consensus is a POE filter is not directional so it should not matter which way it in the coax line.

Its a Holland filter with no markings for direction other than the male on one end and female on the other.

I originally had outside street line going into the POE and then into the main splitter of which one leg goes directly into my modem and thats all.
The other leg goes to the tivo and split 4 times to other tv's.

from other thread suggestions . . . I figured I don't need any filter on the leg from the street to the modem.

So I used a barrel connector and a short piece of coax to reverse the POE's male and female connections so as to keep it in the same direction since its now on the output side of the splitter where as before it was on the input side.

**But if a POE filter is not directional . . . isn't this just overkill and by adding those two extra connections it only serves to drop the signal slightly?**

New POE placement with barrel connector and piece of coax added to change gender:
Left side on splitter is modem leg

Old configuration POE before splitter (but also filtering modem leg):

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