lundi 31 août 2015

MOCA problems

When I bought my new Roamio last year, the TV season was in full swing and not wanting to deal with moving a bunch of content and season passes from my Premiere Elite, so I placed it in my Master Bedroom and it has performed flawlessly. This weekend, I decided to move it into the Family Room where we keep our main Tivo and will be retiring the Elite in favor of a mini in the Master bedroom. I have been using MOCA on both units all along (Verizon FiOS, with their router).

When I connected the Roamio Pro in the family room, it gave an error that it had no Internet connection so I tried rebooting, resetting the network connection (from MOCA to ethernet and back to MOCA and even wireless and back to MOCA). Ethernet and wireless both work, but I would prefer MOCA. I even went back and put the Elite back in that spot and it finds the Internet via MOCA immediately.

Is the MOCA connection suddenly hosed? It was working 15 minutes before and the coax input is still working fine for cable TV.

Any troubleshooting steps I can take before calling Tivo?

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