lundi 31 août 2015

Streaming Netflix destroys gaming ping, through multiple Rokus is fine

Weird issue.

I can stream Netflix through multiple Rokus, PC's and/or Apple devices at the same time and still happily have a ping under 35 in my online games. If we use the TIVO (Roamio) my ping goes to hell and floats between 150-200. At the same time my speedtest goes to hell.
From this.

To This.

Yes, the upload speed is whack, I ran it a few times to make sure. Also while the ping shows as 23ms, once you jump into a game or ping the router from the cmd prompt it's nasty.

When I ping my router packet loss is zero, it's just the ping that goes haywire. It's 1ms, unless streaming from the TIVO and then it jumps into to 100's.

Google is not helping me here. Any ideas?

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