vendredi 28 août 2015

My Tivo can't see PyTivoX on my new iMac

Dear Folks,

I recently got a new iMac and migrated everything over from my old iMac. My old iMac was running an older MacOS; the new one is running Yosemite (10.10.4).

PyTivoX seems to be running just fine on the new machine, but my Tivo Premiere XL can't see it. There are no folders for the iMac in my My Programs list.

Network connection is good-- kmttg can talk to the Tivo just fine.

Latest version of PytivoX, current Python. Yes, the movie folders on my iMac are listed in PytivoX's window and yes I've turned it on.

PytivoX is enabled in my firewall.

What's broken?! Is it fixable?

If not, anyone got alternatives for uploading movies from my iMac to my Tivo?

pax / Ctein

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