jeudi 27 août 2015

Tivo Android App, wrong channel icons...

So I have been using the new TIVO Android app(3.0) quite a bit with my Roamio. It's been great but I have noticed a small bug.

When looking at Guide, some channels display the WRONG channel icon in the guide and then a different wrong icon when looking at the program info. For instance, The Tennis Channel is channel 816 and everything looks great, but as I am scrolling the guide, I see that channel 827 also shows the Tennis Channel logo, but that channel is the Disney Family. It does show the correct program info for the Disney Family Channel, however, when I go into the program info, the logo to the right is now for the Palladia channel(channel 798).

Not sure why this happen on occasion, to various channels(it's not always the same one) but it's kind of a pain since really don't know my providers channel number, so I tend to look for the logo to find the channels.

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