samedi 29 août 2015

I'm back......

So after a 15 year relationship with DirecTv, I am finally back in the TiVo family. Comcast had some attractive offers this summer that happened to coincide with Tivo's Summer sale. What actually sealed the deal for me was an interesting call to TiVo customer service which yielded the relevation that my Phillips 14hr machine with lifetime from 2000 was still in their system, resulting in $99 lifetimes for each of my Roamios....a no brainer. Those Phillips DSR 6000's were fun while they lasted...but now...iPad streaming, MOCA, drop in HD upgrades, streaming apps on the box. These are good times. I guess you folks have been used to the upgrades all along, but me, I feel like the kid who bought his first 14hr box 15 years ago. I also have really missed this forum, and have been back lurking for the last month, and will be for many months to come. Thanks to all who continue to contribute.

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