lundi 3 août 2015

pyTivo not working with Tivo "Beta Software Release"?

I recently noticed that my Tivo updated to reflect a "Beta Software Release" on my Premiere -- and now pyTivo doesn't seem to work.

I can see my Tivo through the pyTivo web admin page -- and I've confirmed that Windows is broadcasting the shares without any errors -- but my Tivo unit is NOT displaying the shares on that end of the connection.

Any ideas?

HTML Code:

tivo_password = *****
tivo_username = *****
tivo_mak = *****
port = 9032
togo_path = C:\Users\*****
ffmpeg = C:\pyTivo\bin\ffmpeg.exe
tivodecode = C:\pyTivo\bin\tivodecode.exe



[Media 1]
type = video
path = f:\
force_alpha = on

[Media 2]
force_alpha = on
type = video
path = g:\

[Media 3]
force_alpha = on
path = h:\
type = video

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