dimanche 23 août 2015

Tivo MRV transfer/streaming over a VPN bridge? Possibilities?

If one had sufficient internet upstream bandwidth, would it be possible to link two home networks via a VPN bridge? In theory, a VPN bridge should cause the ethernet segments on either side of the bridge to behave as they are on one subnet, which should, in theory, allow tivos on both sides of the bridge to behave as though they were on the same subnet, in the same physical network segment.

As we all know, theory put in to practice is where things usually get interesting.

I use DDWRT on my home routers, and have found it to be very configurable. Most likely my first attempt to do so will use this, but I am open to other custom router firmwares if necessary.

There is a possibility, for complicated reasons, I may be pursuing a job which has me at a second home several hours away from my first home, during the week. I have OTA Tivo at the first home (recently cut cord w/satellite) and have found OTA and streaming services to deliver 90% of the shows we used to watch. My second home will likely be a cheap apartment where I may very well not be able to put up an antenna, so I am considering basic cable, and as long as I'm doing that, interested in bridging the two home networks to gain back access to a few cable shows my wife missed out on.

This is purely a hypothetical exercise at this point. I'm just having a little fun putting the thought into it. It looks to me like a workable idea, but rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought I'd put a should out here first and see if anyone else has done this before.

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