jeudi 30 octobre 2014

20.4.5 Release Notes

Sorry for the delay in sending out release notes. I had to finalize my Halloween costume first. Or wait for the Giants to win the World Series. Or wait for a press release to go out. It was one of those three things.

Here are some of the changes:

- There are improvements to streaming over poor connections. It is recommended that iOS users update to the 3.4 version of the TiVo App that was released earlier this week.

- Fixed some cases where audio was dropped going between full-screen video and menus.

- Fixed an issue related to launching a Web Video Hotlist show found through search.

- Fixed an issue related to occasional lack-of-audio in live TV or recordings.

- Fixed an issue where pressing the LIVE TV button while Netflix was buffering could cause a reboot.

- Fixed an issue where some WishLists weren’t recording on Premium Channels.

- Fixed the slow down of My Shows for those running SD Menus (Premiere only). This is the same fix that was in 20.4.4b.

Oh, and:

VUDU - stream TV shows and movies in beautiful 1080p, with access to your Ultraviolet library! (Roamio and Mini only)

And, since you’ve asked so nicely (for so long):

A shiny new Amazon Instant Video App with access to the Prime Instant Video, also in beautiful 1080p! (Roamio and Mini only)

At this time, I expect both VUDU and the new Amazon Instant Video app to be available on TiVo Premiere in the first half of 2015.

For those that signed up at, and your box has already updated to 20.4.5, I expect the apps to be available this evening.

If you were on the priority list before 9am PT this morning, we’re doing another sweep to authorize boxes for the update. Make a connection after 10:30am PT, and if you can download and install the update before 2pm PT, you should also get the apps today.

If you missed today’s sweep, you should see the apps within 48 hours after your box eventually updates to 20.4.5.

For those not on the priority list, I currently expect the full rollout to happen mid/late November.


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