vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Mini enumerates Roamios, can see Internet, but won't connect to DVR

I have two Roamio Pros and one Mini (five more to install). I'll call the two Roamios 'Loft' and 'MediaRoom' to keep it clear. The Mini is in the 'Nook'.

The Mini can "see" and enumerate both Pros when you go to the DVR connection menu but has the "no smoking" sign beside them and cannot connect to either.

Yesterday with just the first MediaRoom TiVo present, I created a MoCA network. The Mini could see it and connect just fine.

I added the second Loft Roamio TiVo today. I accidentally first selected "Create a MoCA network", then cancelled that by switching to Ethernet and finally back to MoCA. It now has a coax only, no Cat5 connected at all. And it can connect to the Internet.

So here's the current situation:

1) The MediaRoom TiVo is the MoCA bridge to Ethernet. Everything else is coax.

2) All boxes can get a LAN IP, connect to the TiVo service, it's all great in that respect.

3) You can play a show from one Pro on the other, which uses the MoCA since the Loft TiVo is coax-only. It gets an IP and can conenct to TiVo.

4) The mini sees but won't conenct to either.

5) I have the same media access key on all of them

6) I've forced a service connection on all three (which works), no change.

So I'm stumped. They can all see each other through MoCA, and via MoCA they can all get a LAN IP and see the Internet. But as of today I can't pick a DVR connection.

Any ideas? I'm simply stuck and need your sage-like wisdom.



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