jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Stephen King's Big Driver - Lifetime Movie (Spoilers)

My wife is a huge fan so we watched this TV Movie. First off, I am not a fan of graphic rape scenes. Thank god they followed up the graphic rape scene with a SECOND graphic rape scene. Enough, I get it, she was severely beaten and raped multiple times.

The story was OK, far fetched as far as figuring out the mystery. Lesson one: don't Google people you plan on killing while surfing on your home laptop. Common sense you know. Also, when you plan on shooting someone, the thing about bullets is they travel far and fast, so you don't need to get within an arm's reach of someone from behind. Just shoot first from a safe distance!

Overall it was a pretty bland attempt at a revenge story. There was some supernatural wackiness thrown in that didn't really add much. The end was pretty typical lacking a twist or original outcome.

Unlike "Under The Dome" at least this one ended in about two hours and didn't drag on for two unnecessary seasons.

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