mardi 28 octobre 2014

CableCARD - Host id and Data id are both missing

I recently had to change cablecards due to changing accounts. Once I received the new cablecard I performed a guided setup per the instructions on Tivo's website. However, as soon as I insert the cablecard all it shows is the CableCARD is inserted and the diagnostic screen does not appear at all. After viewing the conditional access and cablecard status screens and compared it to the info found on TiVo’s website I knew something was wrong. Here is what I received on both screens.

Conditional access

Con : yes

val: I 0x1c

auth : xs

cci: 0x00 ?

Cablecard status :

Unit address shows



Both the host and data ids are missing and I have no clue as to what the problem is. Heck, the troubleshooting shows absolutely nothing for XS under auth. I have a TiVo Premiere XL4 with a Motorola CableCARD on TWC. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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