vendredi 31 octobre 2014

bad USB ports? Need help with TA

I have (3) Tivo HD and (1) new Roamio Plus. The (3) Tivo HD have been running great for about a year on cable card + tuning adapter. All the cable cards and tuning adapters are Motorola M-card FW 6.25 and Motorola MTR700 FW 1.37. Right now, I am trying to get my brand new Roamio up and running the same way. I am in Tulsa, OK on Cox cable.

My Roamio symptoms are simple: whenever I plug a Motorola MTR700 Tuning adapter into my new Roamio, the roamio doesn't recognize there is a tuning adapter being plugged in. I have tried 5 different cablecard + tuning adapater combos of which (3) are known and working in my current Tivo HD's. The other (2) are my self install kit for the Roamio and the swap unit the technician tried while he was out. The Tivo Roamio reacts the same way to all (5) TA's when inserted: it doesn't recognize the TA and the TA starts to slow flash red. Since it's the TA or USB port that seems to be the issue, the Roamio can't tune to any SDV channels. It gets protected non-SDV channels just fine (ie: A&E, ESPN) but anything that requires SDV can't be tuned because the Roamio doesn't even see a tuning adapter device connected.

If I plug in my Tivo HD's with the new cable card + tuning adapter combo that I just tried on the Roamio, it works fine. All of my Tivo HD's "detect" that the tuning adapter and can tune in SDV channels without problem. I don't get why the cablecard + TA combo works fine in my Tivo HD's but doesn't work in my brand new Roamio Plus.

When I called Tivo to discuss this, they asked me to test if the USB ports can charge. They can charge. I don't know what this tells me but I thought I would write it down in case it was important.

I am stumped. Since my Tivo Roamio doesn't recognize when the TA is plugged in, I have no idea how to go about diagnosing this. Based on what I am seeing, the issue does not appear to be on the cable company's side but I don't know that for sure. If I can't get the Tivo Roamio to recognize the TA, then there is no point in having a Tivo and I'll have to send my new roamio back. I don't want to do that so I hope someone smarter than me can lead me to the promised land. Anyone else seen or heard of this issue?

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