mardi 28 octobre 2014

Tivo To Go truncated files - still? Really?

I have a Tivo Premiere connected to an OTA antenna, and with some frequency I get recordings that will not transfer in their entirety. I last ran into this on three of seven of Ken Burns' "The Roosevelts". They are all close to 9Gb on the Tivo, and one download clocked in at 896 Mb (about 10% on the show). There is definitely a glitch in the recording at that point. If the hardware can skip past the glitch and resume, silly me but I think the TivoToGo server can do that as well. I think the first reports of this stupid bug are over six years old, thanks for all of the support on this, Tivo. What's truly sad is that the transfer is done via standard HTTP, so Tivo has supplied an HTTP server that thinks too much about the data in the stream and errors out instead of letting the download proceed.

I am aware of the kmttg software and am as I write this downloading from a pause point past the glitch and it's going OK for the moment. But I remain annoyed that a key (to me) feature of this platform can't get what should be a reasonable bug fix after all this time.

Rob T

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