vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Stuck on "Welcome!": Fix or Sell Broken?

Hi Folks - looking for some help here. After doing a lot of research I'm having a hard time finding an existing thread about this, so I apologize in advance if this is repetitive.

Last night I got the dreaded "Stuck on Welcome! Powering Up..." problem. On reboot I get the all-button flash, then the green light comes on and we don't move anywhere from there.

Spent about an hour on the line with Tivo talking through options and ultimately I decided that after 37 months and the unit having passed its breakeven point vs. typical cable co rates, it was time to go Roamio.

So the question becomes what to do with my existing Premiere. A couple quick questions:

1) Any way to more accurately diagnose the problem with the old premiere? Haven't tried the Kickstart54 testing yet (not sure whether it will work without the orange light) - but I think its more than likely the hard drive.

2) Assuming it is in fact the hard drive, anyone have any perspective on whether it'd be better to replace and upgrade the drive via an upgrade kit prior to selling it, or just put it up as-is? The unit does have Lifetime attached to it.

Help and/or perspective is welcomed. Thank you!

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