vendredi 31 octobre 2014

No audio on HBO channels

I have a strange issue with HBO channels only. If I select the first HBO channel (511 in the Glens Falls area) and then start surfing through I will get to another HBO channel which displays the video, but with no audio. I can then surf to another HBO channel which can give the same issue, but then if I go back, I MAY get the audio back on the channel without. it happens on all HBO English audio channels, but randomly. If I then surf to a HBO Spanish channel, I then have to manually select the Spanish track to get the audio which would be correct.

That got me thinking, so I selected an English audio HBO channel without any audio as above, selected the Spanish track using Info etc on the remote, which gave me the Spanish track, then Info etc on the remote, selected English, I then got the English audio track working.

This is with a TiVo Roamio s/w 20.4.4aUSA-6-848.

TWC are saying that this is a TiVo issue as I have had the Tuning Adapter replaced and all the signals are correct. They gave me a TiVo log number of another customer who has the same issue and put me through to TiVo. TiVo said that they are aware of a similar issue, but not with HBO and it has been escalated to another team. They can't offer a resolution timeframe.

Does anyone have any idea what and why this is happening?



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