jeudi 9 octobre 2014

did my tv or my pytivo delete my shows?

I have a 3 year old premiere and a new Samsung tv that hooks up to the web. Never used that feature until this week. hooked up Netflix and watched and HD movie. Then saw there were different apps on the tv and just played around for a while. Found a game and played that a bit. Then I went back to tivo to watch some tv and I lost a ton of programs. I rarely go below 80% so when I saw 50% I was dismayed.

The programs weren’t in the recycle bin either. and no new shows to delete 30% of my space were set to record. So is it just coincidence that 30% of my tivo was wiped at the exact moment I hooked up the tv to the internet? I’m pretty sure that’s not really possible but then what other explanation is there. I specifically remember at least 10 of the shows that were deleted, one was 7 eps of the same one.

there is one possibility I can think of . I had a 2 hour movie on my laptop that I was sending to the tivo but stopped it midway, or so i thought. But the blue light was still on. however I was well under 90% on my tivo so no 2 hour movie should have deleted 30% of my drive space. to kill the blue light i had to go to the show and delete it.

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