lundi 13 octobre 2014

The Good Wife 6-04 12/Oct/14 Oppo Research

My to-do lists are so boring. I have yet to get to write "talk to mom about hitting children" on mine.

Grace's choir in the background. In case things weren't surreal enough.

The family scene was great. I love that Alicia didn't even bother to explain to her mom that hitting other people's children was wrong, she just went straight to "you're going to apologize". Owen was so gleeful over his mom getting busted.

Another "empty nest" reference. Poor forgotten Grace.

Owen! I don't think I've ever seen him so pissed. HE POURED OUT WINE.

Speaking of wine: I know she drinks frequently but it seemed like they really played it up this episode in advance of the DUI stop.

Did Finn set her up? I hate to think he did but I don't really see how Castro would have known her movements otherwise.

Finn said Castro would try to hit her where she's vulnerable. Was that just about the drinking? I think her vulnerability would be her children.

Speaking of: she instructed Zack to lie! That's a biggie.

I loved Eli's chat with Kalinda. "you find objectionable the 'best friend' charge?"

That kid was a horror. I wanted to beat him senseless. Not that his mom was any better.

And finally, her PAC is a money laundering front. What could go wrong?

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