samedi 29 mars 2014

(Scifi) Series Suggestion for Youths Wanted

Greetings forum folks .. I'm looking for some wonderful ideas for you .. as I've run out.. I'm looking for some new TV series to show to kids .. I'm leaning towards SciFi stuff, but open to whatever .. Hopefully based on the info below you'll be able to say "Hey, what about X" and maybe its something I've totally missed.. Thanks in advance for your ideas..

Watched: Star Trek (TOS), ST:TNG, ST: DS9, ST:VOY, ST:ENT, Voltron (orginal), Transformers (Original and some New), Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Marvel Avengers, Babylon5, Stargate:SG-1, Stargate:Atlantis (finishing now)

Ruled out: Firefly, Farscape, Stargate:Universe (Too mature of content)

Tried with no real interest shown: Quantum Leap, Sliders, Voyagers (Kids without real knowledge of history don't quite latch onto these shows it seems)

Dabbled with: Doctor Who (Its just that some of the episodes are a bit scary, so I'm not sure if we want to do the entire series.. but they've watched episodes and are fans)

Considering: (Unless I get some good stuff here .. I'm considering Star Wars: Clone Wars .. but my issue with that was that there was just a lot of needless violence particularly early on.. lots of "body" counts.. yes, I know they were drones and/or clones .. but a lot of shooting/dying)

Hopefully that gives you some idea of what they watch and enjoy and what they don't.... I'd love to keep the violence level down and try not to focus on adult-themes.

I'd *prefer* something that lasted longer than 1 season. I'd prefer something sci-fi oriented.. but comedy or drama has its place. Something with some intelligence behind it would be appreciated, nothing that is dumb for dumb-sake.

Please don't take my shooting down of your ideas as a lack of respect and appreciation for you offering them. There is probably several we've seen that I've not listed, and plenty I've mentally crossed off without listing them above either.

I look forward to seeing your ideas.. and don't be restricted to any decade. There are plenty of classics worth watching.

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