samedi 11 octobre 2014

TIVO deleting shows too quickly

I have a TiVo Premiere XL4. I have about 15 season passes and have noticed that shows that are recently recorded are being deleted VERY quickly. I recorded 2 football games today and they were both moved to the "recently deleted" folder within 2 or 3 hours of being recorded. And one of the games didn't completely record.

I use VUZE to move files from my PC to the TIVO and when I mark those shows "keep until I delete", often they're deleted anyway.

When I look at the list of recorded shows, there are only about 4 or 5 screens so it isn't like there are hundreds of shows. Even if there were though, programs that I've recorded recently are being moved to the recently deleted folder while others that have been on there for much longer aren't touched.

Any ideas? Thanks a lot

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