mardi 22 septembre 2015

Sold lifetime tivo, new owner never transferred.

So I sold a lifetime S3 on ebay (after clear/delete) to a buyer who said he was strictly going to use it for off-air viewing, recording and playback. He did not have an account set up at, this was his first box.

I walked him through what needed doing to do the lifetime transfer, but he hasn't done it.

I called TiVo to tell them I authorize the transfer of the service, but without an account to transfer to, all the CSR could do was note in the file that if/when the new owner calls, I have authorized the transfer.

It's been about a month now, and the S3 is still showing on my account.

So the question is, what is the downside for me, if any?

With my media key still on that S3, can he somehow see the Roamio I currently have?

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